The Laid Off Diary: Dear Diary…this sucks.

Means to an End
April 30, 2009, 10:25 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Dear Diary:

Yesterday I watched shorts \”Means to an End\” at the Tribeca Film Festival. There was one that really resonated with me. It is set in a sort of 1984 future where everything is run by Big Brother (but in this movie, it was The Company).

It starts out with the main character (the skinny guy from Road Trip) in a rock field and having to physically separate large boulders in piles by color: blue, red, and white.

His life was mundane. He and his wife had no interaction, at the dinner table or in bed. He wears a jump suit in the rock fields and a suit and tie during his time off and at home. But, oh no, he wants \”more\”. So he sees a doctor for depression who gives him a skills test to \”untap the potential within him\”.

When the results come, he gets a desk job with The Company inside The Building and not in the rock fields. He gets to wear a short sleeve white shirt with a tie instead of a long sleeve white shirt with a tie.  All of a sudden, his wife does him sideways on the kitchen table, she wants to hear all about his day, and his job is \”all what he wanted it to be.\” The short ends with him with a huge smile sitting at a desk in a small cramped office and a huge stack of folders in front of him and he is separating them by color: a stack for green folders, a stack of red folders.

This reminded me of my job at BigLaw. Unlike the main character, my desk job wasn\’t everything I wanted it to be though I felt like I was pretty much just separating the green folders from the red folders. Yeah, the number of people who wanted to do me exponentially increased and the people who wanted to hear about my work also exponentially increased, but I definitely felt that I wanted more too.

–thankful for no more green or red folders

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